Parish Leadership
The pastor, following Archdiocesan Guidelines, appoints two trustees annually. These parishioners are responsible for reviewing the parish annual report and advising the pastor on financial and other matters. For 2018-2019 our Trustees are: Jean Perkins and Ray Pruszkowski.
Parish Council
The Parish Council is a consultative body that advises and assists the Pastor in areas of Pastoral concern-setting priorities, discerning needs, establishing dialogue, discovering talents while fostering the participation of the entire parish in the life and mission of the Church. The Parish Council Members are elected by the congregation or appointed by the Pastor.
Mgsr. Anselm Nwaorgu
Pastoral Vicar
Fr. Camilo Lopez
Chair - Parish Council,
Eucharistic Ministry,
CLOW Ministry
Terry Dziedzic
PC Secretary,
Eucharistic Ministry,
CLOW Ministry,
Young Adults Group
Christina Dziedzic
Board of Trustees,
Finance Committee
Jean Perkins
Finance Committee,
Lector Coordinator
Alberta Phillips
Chair, Social Events Committee
Co-chair, USAN
Cynthia Grandeza
Chair, Multi-Cultural Committee
Madesa Espana
Multi-Cultural Committee
Stephen Veliakath
Media Ministry,
Baptism Committee
Eucharistic Ministry
Cheryl Thompson
Media Ministry, Lector, Wellness Ministry, Hand of Grace Ministry, USAN, Newsletter Committee
Lucy Sefia
Eucharistic Ministry Coordinator, Linen Ministry Coordinator,
Sewing Ministry Coordinator, Baptism Committee
Joann Patewski
Music Director
Decoration Ministry
Med Domingo
St. Michael School
Rebekah Scicolone
Pastoral Associate for
Religious Education
Clare Andriola
Pastoral Associate for
Youth Ministry
Cristina Manochio
Maintenance Committee
Tiago Rodrigues
Family Activity Committee
Christine Parmenter
Family Activity Committee
Michelle Concepcion
Youth Ministry Intern
Cristina Freire